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It's been 7 years since I last wrote here. A lot has happened. I went through a breakup. And he eventually took his life. I healed with help of friends. I met my husband. But he holds on tighter to the ghost of my deceased ex that I ever did. And when he's drunk, he makes a habit of denegrating, demoralizing, and demeaning me. Then my favorite place to work closed. I found a new job. Then COVID and everything shut down. Went 2 years without work. But got a new job 3 years ago. But, despite my extensive experience, was dicked around by ownership. Eventually forced my place there. But the place is a pit of vipers in the form of regular customers who are incredibly entitled and encouraged by ownership and love to complain to ownership about the tiniest thing. I've been put on a "2 week leave of absence" to "get my head straight". They want me to come back. Honestly, I don't know if I want to go back. It can be at times a poisonous place for those of us...

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