So I'm Single?

I'm not really sure what happened tonight.

We went to the wedding ceremony of Didier and Kevin. We had what I thought was a good time. We were making new friends at our table. Then in the last 15 minutes he started getting dismissive, snippy, and short with me.

So I called him out on it.

"You seem to have more fun with other people than you do with me."

This led to a very long conversation which ended up somewhere around "You're my best friend", "I don't want to lose you", and "we don't seem to work as a couple".

But stopping short of saying "I don't want to be in a romantic relationship with you at this moment".

What am I supposed to do with this? I said that I was willing to re-approach things, re-evalutate things, realign my perspective to make things work. I strongly suggested that he do the same. But I got no positive response from it. And when I said we could try it his way, I got a negative response.

What the hell?!

Honestly, how is one supposed to respond or act in this circumstance? No "yeah let's try what you said" or "yeah we should just break up".

So, for all I could tell tonight, we are friends (which I'm fine with) but we aren't a couple (which I'm still not totally clear about).


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