An Era's End

"Good evening, Cobalt! Welcome to Wednesday Night Karaoke! I am your host Robbie. Behind the bar are your bartenders (insert names) and your Master-Of-All-Trades (insert name). If you would like to sing, the books, as well as pencils and paper, are located on (note location of the books). Just look through the books, find the song you want to sing, write down your name along with the song title and song number on one of the pieces of paper, bring that paper up to me in the DJ booth, and I will put you in the lineup. As is tradition, I'll start the night off."

Around the beginning of January 2008, Mark Layman and Peter Tabakis, host of Sunday Night Karaoke at Cobalt, asked to see me outside of SNK. Peter had started a new 9-to-5 job and wanted to step down as karaoke host. They had batted around some ideas of who to bring on as the new host and my name was at the top of their list. I'd been a regular karaokiac for years and knew pretty much every other customer there. "We want someone who will continue what we've started here. Would you be interested?" they asked.

I said yes.

I trained with Peter for those final few Sundays in January. On 03 February 2008, I became The Fourth Karaoke Host. After six years and countless adventures, I've decided it's finally time for me to pass the torch (song). My final day will be 29 January 2014. I thought it appropriate to end my run on the eve of the start of my seventh year.

During my tenure, the following things have occurred:
  • Karaoke moved from Sunday nights to Wednesday nights.
  • I've modified the format to make a more fair and balanced system for our customers who want to sing multiple songs.
  • I've instituted a popular singing contest in the summertime and have planned a new contest for the winter months.
  • We've worked with an individual software developer to create a new karaoke software.
  • We've worked with an individual web developer to put our song database online so that our customers don't have to solely rely on the books to look up songs.
  • We've added tens of thousands of new songs to the song database.
  • We've been blessed with the presence of Broadway and off-Broadway performers when they were in town for their show's run.
  • Zachary Quinto hung out with us for a while one night.
  • We were voted best karaoke in DC of 2013.

It's been an incredible experience and I've met thousands of people, some of whom have become friends. I've worked with some of the most fantastic people. But it is time to drop the mic and peace out. I've taken the show as far as I can carry it. It's time for someone younger and more creative who will have the time and dedication to take WNKC to the next level of world domination. I simply can't do it anymore. As the First Doctor said, "This old body of mine's wearing a bit thin. It's all over, that's what you said. No, but it isn't. It's far from being all over."

I don't know who will eventually, permanently take over. Most likely Mr. Wood. Whoever it is, I wish them all the best. Being the host of WNKC was one of the best experiences of my life. I hope whoever the Karaoke Host regenerates into next will enjoy the ride as much as I did.

As the Tenth Doctor said, "I don't want to go." But like the Tenth Doctor... like all of the Doctors... I have to go.

And so, I think it appropriate to end this post the way I have ended every WNKC:

"And so another Wednesday Night Karaoke at Cobalt has come to an end. I have been your host Robbie. On behalf of your bartenders (insert names) and your Master-Of-All-Trades (insert name), I want to thank you for coming out tonight. It's been a blast! Please be safe getting home. Remember: seat belt, airbags, condoms... two out of three, your choice. We look forward to seeing you next week. Until then, (Porky Pig: "Buh-blee-buh, buh-blee-buh, buh-blee-buh, buh-blee-buh... That's all folks!")"

WARNING: this is very much NSFW due to language.


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